Going straight to the Cross

“Knocking at the Dooars”

By Michael E. Brooks

“Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with me” (Revelation 2:20).

The Jaipalgari district in West Bengal, India is known locally as “the Dooars.” This region lies in the extreme northeast area of India, not far from the countries of Bhutan, China and Bangladesh. Historically it was also near the tiny ancient kingdoms of Sikkim, Assam, and Nagarland, all now a part of India. This location made the region a natural gateway or door into a variety of nations and cultures, hence the nickname.

Life keeps all of us in proximity to a variety of opportunities. We are presented with choices every day. Some of these are material in nature, involving jobs, education, recreation, health, and similar physical matters. Other choices are emotional or spiritual. These may include relationships, attitudes, and religious or philosophical beliefs. Every one of us lives constantly at “the door”, and every presented choice demands a decision.

Jesus’ invitation, expressed in Revelation 2:20, is typical of our choices. We may accept it immediately or refuse it. If we open the door, he will enter. If we fail to open the door, he will stay outside. Notice that those are the only alternatives. It is easy to be deceived into thinking that there is a third option, that of delay. “Not now, but maybe later” is the “decision” many wish to make. In reality, however, it is plain that this is simply a refusal. The door remains closed, and he stays outside.

So it is with all our options. Opportunities knock, and we must either accept or refuse them. The state of Arkansas is filled with people who now talk about their chance to invest with Sam Walton back when Walmart was only a dream. Oh, if they had only said yes. Stock may still be purchased, but the opportunity for huge profit is long passed. Others “could have gone to college” and “made something of themselves” but time has passed and opportunity with it. I am reminded of the quotation several years ago from a famous athlete, known for his life of dissipation and consequent poor health. “If I had known I was going to live this long I would have taken better care of myself.” Good choice, but way too late.

A favorite saying is, “good memories have to be arranged for in advance.” Life is most rewarding if we make our decisions promptly, while opportunity exists, and if we make them based on thoughtful consideration and proper priorities. Decide now where you want your life to lead. Evaluate every choice on the basis of those goals. Open doors that lead in the right direction, and open them at the right time. We all live in “the Dooars.” Let us take good advantage of such a strategic location

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