Going straight to the Cross

Liars Don’t Produce Happiness

By Michael E. Brooks

“Deceit is in the heart of those who devise evil, but counselors of peace have joy.” (Proverbs 12:20)

A short visit to a very tense Nepal last week helped reinforce the above stated truths. After several months of ceasefire and negotiations, the Maoist insurgents of that nation have walked away from the talks and resumed hostilities. What had been planned as a two week long campaign to rural eastern Nepal was changed of necessity to a four day visit to the capital, Kathmandu, to transact necessary business.

My impression of the attitude of the Nepali people was disturbing. I found much more nervousness and apprehension than on previous visits. My trip coincided with the beginning of the major Hindu festival, Dashain, and just after we arrived the rebel forces declared an eleven day truce, to enable people to travel to their homes to celebrate the holiday. But there was little trust that they would honor the truce. We held brief classes, but there was much concern about traveling even within the relative safety of the capital city.

The author of Proverbs pairs two sets of characteristics: lies go with evil; joy accompanies the search for peace. Those whose aim is harm and wickedness have no moral or other compunctions against deceitfulness. Conversely, those whose character permits them to lie easily are likely to find that other evils are equally attractive. Rebels who will rob, rape, and kill their own people are not to be trusted. Period. No matter the philosophical justification, their deeds are evil, and such people will bring no happiness to anyone, including themselves.

On the other hand, the message of peace brings great joy. I am convinced that genuine Christians are always and inevitably the world’s happiest people. They alone know real peace in every dimension. Peace with self, with others, and with God. Eternal security, without doubt, fear or worry. And they take that message of peace to the world around them. The joy they obtain is not something they strive for, but the gift which is given by a generous and loving Father to those who do his will. It comes from two sources. First, the act of seeking peace produces satisfaction and contentment, which are the fundamental components of happiness. Second, God gives joy as a reward for obedience.

Peace and joy are combined in a beautiful New Testament passage, Philippians 4:4-7. Paul begins by instructing his readers to Rejoice, and concludes the paragraph by promising that “the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds…” How can we have joy without the security of real peace. How can anyone who is truly at peace, fail to be happy?

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