Going straight to the Cross

Flawed Guidance

by Tim Hall

While growing up in the mountains of Eastern Kentucky, my cousins and I occasionally enjoyed the thrills of cave exploration. "The Water Caves", as they were known, were a vast network of underground passageways, complete with a subterranean river, blind fish and a colony of bats. Hours were spent inside those caverns, and it's a wonder no one was ever seriously injured.

The most dangerous part of our treks was in the last few yards leading to the mouth of the cave. The opening was located on the side of a sheer cliff, and scaling that ledge took patience, agility and the guidance of an observer. The guide would call out where to place your foot, how to reach around for a better grip, etc. A fall from that cliff was a real possibility. Flawed advice could have resulted in someone being seriously injured (or worse).

In John 7, we read of people who were seeking to enter the kingdom of God. This man Jesus who had recently burst upon the scene was the subject of many conversations. Some were getting close to developing genuine faith in Him. John enables us to eavesdrop on some of their discussions.

Many, for example, were saying, "'Truly this is the Prophet.' Others said, 'This is the Christ,' but some said, 'Will the Christ come from Galilee? Has not the Scripture said that the Christ comes from the seed of David and from the town of Bethlehem, where David was?'" (John 7:40-42, New King James Version). Obviously, some were on the verge of concluding that Jesus of Nazareth was actually the Messiah. But then someone interjected flawed guidance. "Check this Man's pedigree," they said. "He doesn't fulfill the prophecy about the Messiah's home town."

They were so close to the entrance of the kingdom. But because they trusted someone they thought was an authority, it appears they were thrown off course. What should these seekers have done? They should have objected, "How do you know Jesus was not born in Bethlehem? Why don't we go ask Him." The question of where Jesus was born was indeed significant. Why leave such vital information to someone else? Why not make absolutely sure you have the truth?

It happens again later in the chapter. Nicodemus, who had already shown an inclination to faith in Jesus (John 3), spoke up on behalf of Jesus: "'Does our law judge a man before it hears him and knows what he is doing?' They answered and said to him, 'Are you also from Galilee? Search and look, for no prophet has arisen out of Galilee'" (John 7:51,52). Again, a good opportunity for further questioning: "How do we know He's from Galilee? Has anyone asked Him about His birthplace?" But it seems most people were intimidated by "the experts", and chose to accept their erroneous conclusions rather than go straight to the source.

"The experts"; they're still among us today. There's no need for us to study for ourselves, we're told. These guys have advanced degrees and have gone beyond the meager understanding of the past. Our ancestors in the faith were well-intentioned, but we now have deeper insights. Convictions we held a generation ago are no longer valid. Or so we are led to believe.

Acts 17:11 is as crucial today as ever: "These were more fair-minded than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness, and searched the Scriptures daily to find out whether these things were so." Search the Scriptures; don't be content with what others tell you. That formula would have prevented many from being derailed in Jesus' day. It will keep us on track in the 21st century.

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