Going straight to the Cross

They Gave Their Lives

by Warren Baldwin

"For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life" (John 3:16).

That verse in one of the mainstays of our faith. Ask someone to quote a verse from the Bible, and John 3:16 is sure to be one that gets quoted. It is transferable to any situation, quotable in nearly any context.

We live in a world of selfishness -- people making decisions to please themselves. People choosing a course of action that makes them feel good, whether in financial profits or sensual pleasures.

John 3:16 says, "Not so with God. Not so with Jesus. When God saw it was necessary to do something drastic to save his children, he wasn't thinking about his own pleasure. He was thinking about the needs of the people he loved. So he gave his son. And Jesus was thinking, 'The cross is not an exciting way to exit this world. It is harsh, it is painful. But if that is what my Father says is necessary to save these people, I'll do it. Not my will, but thine be done.'"

Romans 8 says that the cross clearly demonstrates Jesus' love for us. "While we were yet sinners Christ died for the ungodly." He didn't wait until we somehow "got better," and then died for us when we were good ole folks. No, Jesus died for us when we were still rascals.

The cross is God's sign, the cross is Jesus action. That love for others and sacrifice for the needs of others is still greater than self-satisfaction achieved in profits or pleasures.

Does anybody today ever hear that message? Does anyone ever sacrifice themselves for others anymore? Does anyone ever risk their security and their lives for the sake of someone else?

And the answer is ... yes.

Adam Cohen, 19, Jonah Richman, 18, and Jordan Satin, 19, sacrificed themselves for the sake of someone they loved.

On August 12, 2003, their friend, David Altschuler, 18, slipped off a ledge in the Adirondack State Park of upstate New York and fell into a swirling fury of water. The water at this spot was particularly furious because it was at the bottom of a waterfall. The water would churn and froth. It was very aerated, meaning the water did not provide the buoyancy it normally would, making it was harder to swim or stay afloat.

Into this turbulence fell David. He didn't have a chance. But his friends, Adam, Jonah, and Jordan couldn't stand idly by and watch their friend drown. So they jumped. That's right, they jumped. They didn't fall in. They didn't slip. Risking their own lives, all three teenagers jumped right into the fury of the water to try to rescue their friend. They didn't. And they didn't even save their own lives. All four young men drowned.

The county sheriff said, ""They didn't stand a chance. No one, no matter how strong a swimmer. They were doomed from the moment they hit the water."

Why do it? Why risk their lives for someone else who was dying? Well, the boys aren't here for us to interview and ask. But I'll bet there are a couple of reasons.

One, love. These three guys simply loved their friend. Family and friends later said that any of these four guys would have died for the others.

Two, selfishness does not have to reign in our hearts. It didn't with these guys. The spirit of sacrifice for others is still around.

I can't help but think of a verse in first John that parallels John 3:16: "This is how we know what love is: Christ Jesus laid down his live for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers." Incidentally, that is 1 John 3:16. A good verse to memorize. A good verse to live out in our lives.

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