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Monday, 10. January 2005
Christ Accepts Me randal, January 10, 2005 at 7:29:00 PM GMT
by J. Randal Matheny "Therefore, accept one another, just as Christ also accepted us to the glory of God" (Romans 15:7, NASB). "Just as I am." Christ accepts me just as I am, in order to make me what he wants me to be. Just as I am, with all my hangups, problems, neuroses, and unresolved issues. And sins. Especially with all my sins. After acceptance comes transformation, not before. "Thou wilt receive, Wilt welcome, pardon, cleanse, relieve." Christ never ignores, excuses, or overlooks my sins and all the rest of my ugliness. Never. But he takes me in, just as I am. "Thy love unknown Has broken every barrier down." I am afraid, unsure, halting, uncertain. But his open arms assure me that when I take the first step, he will accept me. "Now to be Thine, yea, Thine alone." Slowly he peels away the hardness, the scabs, the layers of hurt and resentment, the knots of pain and anger. He pours off the dregs of my darkness. I am still in process. The sculpted image of God stands yet incomplete. Wherever I am in this process, Christ still accepts me. And as frustrated, discouraged, tired, as I may be with my progress or lack of it, Christ still accepts me. And bids me accept myself, where I am, with the warts and wrinkles and worry lines. With the scars and cuts and bruises. Spots and all. This is me. Much of it from long ago, still lingering, still limping, still aching. Just as I am. "O Lamb of God, I come, I come!" Christianity Is Simple diane amberg, January 10, 2005 at 4:19:00 AM GMT
by Don Ruhl Read Matthew Chapter 7 Do you know how to treat every person under every circumstance? There is a simple way to know. Jesus says, 12 Therefore, whatever you want men to do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets (Mat. 7:12). How may I summarize the teachings and the commandments of the Law and the Prophets? Treat others well, because is that not how you wish to be treated in all situations? Is that not what Jesus teaches in the quotation above? How may I summarize the teachings and the commandments of Jesus and the Apostles? Treat others well, because is that not how you wish to be treated in all situations? Is that not what Jesus teaches in the quotation above? Yes, the paragraphs are virtual repeats, but the point is, the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, teaches us to treat others well. If you are not sure of the exact action required in a situation, just think how you want to be treated. Therefore, on this day, make a special effort to think this with every person you encounter. Pay What Is Fair diane amberg, January 10, 2005 at 4:16:00 AM GMT
by Don Ruhl Read Genesis 23, 24 Sarah dies and Abraham wishes to bury her. He approaches the people of the land, asking for a burial place. They are eager to honor this couple by giving him a burial place. He names a certain place. When the owner hears of it, he is delighted and wants to donate the place. However, Abraham refuses. 12 Then Abraham bowed himself down before the people of the land; 13 and he spoke to Ephron in the hearing of the people of the land, saying, If you will give it, please hear me. I will give you money for the field; take it from me and I will bury my dead there (Gen. 23:12, 13). Abraham did not go seeking for a discount or a donation, saying, I am of God, will you consider giving me a discount or donating the land. Abraham saw himself in the world to be a blessing rather than to be blessed. Why then does the church expect to be given discounts or even donations when dealing with businesses? The laborer is worthy of his hire. Our God owns the universe, and if we operate by faith, we can afford it. If we cannot afford it, let others, out of the goodness of their hearts offer to help us. Remember we are here to bless the world not to be blessed by the world. |
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by Don Ruhl Read the Bible in a Year This evening read John 5:1--23 Jesus healed a man. Praise God! However, Jesus healed him on the Sabbath. Uh oh. Some people were ready to kill Jesus for this perceived violation of the Sabbath Law. 16 For this reason the Jews persecuted Jesus, and sought to kill Him, because He had done these things on the Sabbath (Joh. 5:16). Jesus did a good thing. Yet, people criticized Him severely for it. And they were not people ... more ... by diane amberg @ 5/18/05, 5:03 AM They Were His Servants by Don Ruhl Read the Bible in a Year This morning read Second Kings 24 and 25 They Were His Servants As the writer of Second Kings explains whom the Lord sent against Judah, the writer said that this was 2 ...according to the word of the LORD which He had spoken by His servants the prophets (2 Kin. 24:2). Those great men we have honored for centuries were nothing more than servants of the Lord God. What does that make us? Do you do something ... more ... by diane amberg @ 5/18/05, 5:01 AM ...
by Don Ruhl Read the Bible in a Year This evening read John 4:30--54 The disciples went into a town to buy food while Jesus remained out of the town. There He engaged a woman in conversation. When the disciples returned, here is what happened, 31 In the meantime His disciples urged Him, saying, "Rabbi, eat." 32 But He said to them, "I have food to eat of which you do not know" (Joh. 4:31, 32). As you read the Gospel According to John, watch ... more ... by diane amberg @ 5/18/05, 4:59 AM Having a Tender Heart by Don Ruhl Read the Bible in a Year This morning read Second Kings 22 and 23 Having a Tender Heart When Josiah heard the word of God for the first time, he tore his clothes, knowing of the wrath that was upon Jerusalem for the idolatry of his forefathers. Therefore, he sent messengers to a prophetess to inquire of the Lord. He did have a message for Josiah. God said through the prophetess, 19 "...because your heart was tender, and you humbled yourself before ... more ... by diane amberg @ 5/18/05, 4:56 AM ![]()
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