Going straight to the Cross
Wednesday, 24. November 2004

Cut the Cheese

by Stan Mitchell

I was listening to a father the other day at a restaurant (OK, it was McDonalds!). His kids and wife were ranged around him, and he was having a good time. "I'll have the cheese burger," he declared. "Cut the cheese."

I know it was corny. The looks on the kids' faces told me they had heard this joke before ... several times! It made me think of some questions:

  • Why were the Old Testament priests drawn only from the tribe of Levi? Did scripture specifically forbid priests from, say, the tribe of Judah? "For it is clear," the Hebrew writer declares, "that our Lord descended from Judah, and in regard to that tribe, Moses said nothing about Priests" (Hebrews 7:14).

  • Why do you come to a complete halt at a stop sign? Does the sign specifically forbid looking both ways and rolling through if clear? Try that reasoning with the local law enforcement personnel!

  • Why does the pharmacist not add several creative elements to your doctor's prescription? Does the prescription specifically forbid the addition of other medicines according to the pharmacist's whims? The fact is that we use the "argument from silence" in every day life. An appointment made for nine in the morning is considered broken if I turn up at eleven! When the instruction (or command, if God is the one giving it) is given, that instruction naturally excludes as well as includes. You can't have priests from Levi and Judah both and fulfill the Law of Moses' specific instructions. You can't stop at a stop sign and roll through it all at the same time. This is not deep philosophical mumbo jumbo; it's not tricky theology; it's plain, common equestrian reasoning!

There are many things that the New Testament does not mention. Hymn books and church foyers, air conditioning and Bible class workbooks aren't mentioned. The argument from silence, however, derives from those commands that God gives in his word. God's command includes what he commanded, and, if it is silent on alternatives, it is a silence we should respect.

"Now brothers I have applied these things to myself and Apollos for your benefit, so that you may learn from us the meaning of the saying, 'Do not go beyond what is written.'" (1 Corinthians 4:6).

By the way, a cheese burger must have cheese on it, or it's something else altogether!

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When Good Turns Sour

by Barry Newton

At one time or another, while happily chatting with someone, many of us probably have opened the refrigerator and poured ourselves a nice, tall, cool glass of milk. Without giving it much attention, we took a large mouthful. Then the stench and the taste of thoroughly rancid milk overpowered our senses. If we were lucky we made it to the kitchen sink.

Not just milk turns repugnant. Can you imagine God gagging and being absolutely repulsed at something which was good? It has happened. Through Isaiah, God told his people, "stop bringing meaningless sacrifices! Your incense is detestable to me. ... I can not bear your evil assemblies."\1 Through song, David acknowledged the same truth. "You do not delight in sacrifice ... you do not take pleasure in burnt offerings."\2 What?

Had not God requested these very aspects of worship? Does God play mind games with his people by asking for something he does not want?

Through the poetry of Isaiah and David, God explained, "Take your evil deeds out of my sight. Stop doing wrong, learn to do right."\3 Although God's people were going through the right rituals of worship, their hearts were far from him, as evidenced by their sinful and rebellious lifestyle. Furthermore, David recognized, "The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God you will not despise. ... Then there will be righteous sacrifices, whole burnt offerings to delight you; then bulls will be offered on your altar."\4

The message is clear. Unless we are first changed, our worship is transformed into something repugnant to God. This message is as vital today as it was then. While Christians do not offer animal sacrifices, we do offer up a sacrifice of praise from the fruit of our lips.\5

Is it not wonderful that what God asks of us is not beyond any of us? Let's be humble and repentant, a people whose lives are shaped by God's love, not darkness. As such, let's gather with grateful hearts to worship our merciful Almighty God.

1/ Isaiah 1:13 2/ Psalm 51:16 3/ Isaiah 1:16,17 4/ Psalm 51:17,19 5/ Hebrews 12:15

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November 2004
last updated: 8/25/12, 10:32 AM online for 8352 Days

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