Going straight to the Cross
Monday, 18. October 2004

The Church Multiplies

by J. Randal Matheny

How does the church multiply as it evangelizes and brings people to a knowledge of the truth?

Paul offers a model in 2 Timothy 2:1-15. Here are ten points from the passage.

  1. Take care of yourself (vv. 1,15). You can't pass on what you don't have. And when push comes to shove, as it inevitably will, if you don't have a handle on the grace of God, you'll quit.

  2. Entrust the gospel to capable men (v. 2). If it all revolves around you, when you are removed from the picture, the work will stop. Multiply efforts by passing on the truth and the responsibility to teach.

  3. Share in the suffering (vv. 3,9,10). God works when bad things happen to us. The tough life rewards him who sticks it out.

  4. Keep the focus (v. 4). A soldier serves to please his superior officers. Don't get sidetracked into useless discussions (v. 14). Do all, endure all, "for the sake of the elect" (vv. 10-13).

  5. Play by the rules (v. 5). Olympic athletes got stripped of medals because they were doped up. Christians lose their reward for stepping out of bounds. We must work "according to the rules."

  6. Work hard, really hard (v. 6). The work of the farmer wears him out. Such is the effort necessary to a multiplying church. (See Luke 5:5; Acts 20:35; Romans 16:6,12; Colossians 1:28,29.)

  7. Think things through (v. 7). To understand how the Lord wants us to work and produce fruit, we need to ponder over the inspired instructions. Otherwise, we'll use human principles and get human results. God will show us the way when we consider what the Word says.

  8. Concentrate on Jesus (v. 8). Everything must revolve around him, both message and methods. It's all based on facts about him, who was real. The New Testament brings us those facts faithfully. Otherwise, we're just blowing in the wind.

  9. Free the word (v. 9). It just doesn't matter what our circumstances or limitations are. "The word of God is not chained." No limits to what the Word can do. That's where the power is to convert the hearers.

  10. So handle the Word of truth properly (v. 15). Don't shortcut its power by your ineptness. Use it wisely, explain it properly (NRSV), proclaim it clearly and boldly.

No big secrets bar the church of God from multiplying. It's a question of using basic principles, of getting out of a recreation-crazed mode and getting down to work.

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