Going straight to the Cross
Friday, 2. July 2004

Today's prayer: Free from entanglements

Sovereign God who gave man free choice, it is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Let us not become entangled again with sin, with legalism, with harsh, negative spirits, with useless arguments and strife, with anger, with worldly pursuits and defilements. Strengthen us to insist upon the truth which sets us free. Let us stay with the truth and reject falsehood which would enslave us.

May we use our freedom, Lord, to serve with love, as did Jesus, and not to indulge ourselves. May we speak the gospel freely, with every person, that all may have opportunity to obey the Master.

Such freedom is our most precious possession, Father, for it permits us enter into your presence, where we may boldly ask anything. As we have done today. Amen.

[Pertinent passages: Prov. 22:25; John 8:31-32; Gal. 5:1, 13; 2 Tim. 2:4; 2 Pet. 2:20 ]

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Parting Words

by Tim Hall

"I don't know why I ever married you!" shouted Tom as he slammed the door behind him. He and Lisa had been arguing again, and morning fights seemed to be growing more frequent. Still, as Tom drove to work he regretted saying those hurtful words. It was bad enough to say those things, but for them to be the last words she would hear from his lips for several hours was just wrong. He vowed to call her from work to apologize.

Parting words seem to have a power unlike other things we might say. When friends part for prolonged periods, they strive to speak words that will leave a lasting impression of their emotions. The final words of a dying loved one are given almost sacred status, repeated often among family members. When individuals go separate ways, the last words spoken will usually replay in our minds for days and weeks to come.

In Numbers 6:23-27, God dictated to Moses the words he wanted to ring in people's hearts as they departed from the tabernacle (later, the temple). "This is the way you shall bless the children of Israel" God said (New King James Version). The words that follow are said to have been recited by the priests following the daily morning worship throughout the generations.

Here is what God wanted people to hear as they left the place of worship: "The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious to you; the Lord lift His countenance upon you, and give you peace."

Much could be said about each part of this benediction, but suffice it to say that it is a blessing imparted by God Himself. By saying "the Lord" three times, the priests affirmed that God was the one responsible for blessing. If God was smiling upon them (the meaning of "make his face shine upon you"), surely goodness and mercy would follow them all the days of their lives.

Even God's final words of instruction to Moses in that passage bear reflection: "So they shall put My name on the children of Israel, and I will bless them" (v. 27). While many might use the Lord's name in vain, God emphasized that his name be used properly. Let no one leave the impression that God is capricious and vindictive. Rather, let them make clear that God longs to bless his people, if only they will let him. Let this be the parting impression people are given every time they leave the house of God.

How we need this portrayal of God! Many in our day stereotype Christianity as a revocation of happiness. Many Christians have bought into the stereotype and show no visible signs of joy as they carry out the "duties" of their religion. God's priests today (i.e. every Christian - 1 Peter 2:5, 9) should consider carefully the impression they leave on others, the way God's name is placed upon those who glance curiously at our faith.

For every faithful Israelite, there came a day when each would visit the house of worship for the last time. Whether by reason of age, illness, or accident, they never again made that journey to the tabernacle. But when they left for the last time, the parting words heard from the priest (if he fulfilled his God-given responsibility) were words of blessing. "Our God is truly a wonderful God!" would be the natural response of all who heard.

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